Friday, December 6, 2013

Finding A Sacred Space: Caleruega

We had our retreat in Caleruega, Batangas last December 2 to 4 because it's one of the tradition of every graduating students. It's like a sweet escape and a form of relaxation to slow down the fast moving phase of our lives and of course, to take in nature.

Lots of Pine trees everywhere.

The place is perfect for finding your sacred space. The air was rejuvenating, fresh and crisp. As I breathe, I can't help but thank the Lord for He has made a place so serene like Caleruega. It's as if I'm breathing new hope in my heart and new vision for my spirit. I just can't help but marvel to every scene I am seeing.

 Lovely flowers that brightens up your mood.

A retreat will not be complete if there's no "crying sessions" with a touchy feel. Aside from the cliche of receiving letters from our dear family and friends, we have also shared and listened to each other's stories. Some of which are heartfelt and some are just way too funny but all are part of our history and transitionary life.

At the second day, we played a game where we had to say something nice to each other, and most of us ended up crying. It just feels good when someone appreciates you when you yourself doesn't even notice it. And in that moment, my emotions just caught out of hand and tears came running down my cheeks. Tears of joy indeed.

And one thing I would never forget is the "Solidarity Night". We had bon fire in an atrium with all the 4th year Finance students present. The night was about showcasing every section's talents and identity with a mixture of comedy.

There's a mini chapel on top of a hill that is the best place for praying and meditation. Before you get there, you have to pass the koi fish pond then to the hanging bridge and lastly, there's a short hike of around 10-15 minutes (depending upon your stamina).

 The Koi Fish Pond.

Front pass of the hanging bridge.

The Mini Chapel on top of the hill

 "Closer to Nature, Closer to God"

The activity had opened and rekindled friendship among everyone of us. I really appreciated this activity for us, Finance Seniors since this would probably be the last chance to spend time like this with the people I've been for almost 2 years.

(Credits to Tey Fuente for the pictures. I was enjoying the scenery too much that I forgot to document everything.)

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hawk Bag: NEON is the new COLOR

 "NEON is the new color"

Yes, neon fever is everywhere. Bright, reflective, vivid and eye-catching colors are the new trend these days. It provokes and has powerful impact on eyes. That must be the reason why Hawk Bag's new designs are skinned with bright neon colors. And I must say, their colors are just too loud keeping me hype and upbeat!

As a student like me, I prefer using backpacks because it help me stay organized by providing a lot of compartment for my school and personal essentials. And when I say "backpack", I mean "Hawk Bag". Unlike any other popular backpack brands, "Hawk Bag" is a Filipino product. Since it's Philippine made, we should own it and be proud of it! It's just such a downer that others have a notion that if it's made locally or what they usually say "Lokal", it's less durable. But Hawk Bag is a lot different. It's durable and classy at a more affordable price. You need not spend a lot of money to have the best quality!

This is my first hawk backpack. It's memorable since I've won this from JCFAP's(Junior Confederation of Finance Associations-Philippines) Finest as the Hawk Bag Ambassadress.


My favorite hawk backpack design! The angel's wings design plus the purple and neon yellow color goes well together.

My limited edition Hawk Bag back pack. They collaborated with Team Manila in working on it's patriotic design.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You Gotta "Shake It Up!"

Last Friday, I hosted Red Cross Youth Council-Commerce Unit's General Assembly and one of the perks of hosting that magical event (because that was the theme) was having a gift certificate from one of their sponsors which was, Shake It Up Company. The gift certificate entitles the bearer to a free milkshake. Since it's for free, we grabbed the opportunity to try some.

We ordered California Love, Shining Star and Moon Dance. These are their best sellers. After taking a zip, it made me stop and linger over that very first try. The lightness and the thickness of the cream as it made its way through the straw caused an overwhelming feeling that'll make you zip for more! Yes, it's a pleasure with mixtures of momentary paralysis due to dairy delight. It's also not satiating or the "nakakasuya" type of milkshake because it was truly blended to the right texture and consistency. Not just that, this milkshake has more to offer because of its intriguing element of surprise called the "digestives", that you could chew with every zip.

One of their branches is located near UST, along Asturias. I just don't know where some of their branches are, but you could check out their FB page by clicking the link below:

Or follow their Instagram account:


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Sunday, September 8, 2013

My Life, My Rules

Life as we know is not about pleasing everyone around us. Sometimes, we must take the risk and learn to stand adamant on our decisions and choices. We shouldn't care of what others will think of us because they will only limit what we can do that THEY CAN'T. Yes, petty minds are everywhere. These are the people who are closed-minded and unreceptive to other's opinion or ideas.

Me, who is a type-B personality with an easy going approach to life, lives in my own pressure not on other's. The more you coerce me, the more I repel. Rebellious as it may seem but it's my special way of saying (though non-verbal) "My Life, My Rules. So keep your nose out of my business".

I always start with doing what I want first because it keeps me motivated instantaneously. "Work because you want to and not because you need to". Another motto to live by. So what's the moral lesson? Well, it's just simply about learning to love the things you hate. You can't always get what you want. All you have to do is to be flexible enough to work in such unfavorable situations.

Edited via Pics Art (Mobile App)

"Keep Your Head Held Up High"

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Conjuring (Movie Review)

Who wouldn't be scared after seeing this photo go viral in the social media? Not quite sure if it's just part of their marketing strategy or what but it had effectively raised my hair up to it's end!

"Watch this and you"ll never play hide and seek".
(A better tagline or catchy phrase than the movie that said, "You will die in 7 days")

Alarmingly, but it's true. The movie had successfully delivered a creep-out (it's behind you!) and face-at-the-window-shock every few minutes. Indeed a well-crafted scare for the viewers. It really has more to offer than some any other movie's cheap chills, but sometimes that's  enough.

The scene that terrified or rather terrorized me most is the part when the possessed mother was tied in the chair covered with white cloth. The way the blood blurted out on her mouth underneath the white sheet had really scared the hell out of me. Disturbing as it is and with such unknown reason, the view had registered in my mind for quite too long. 

Among the effective American horror movies that I've watched aside from "The Conjuring"  is Insidious. And I must say that it' scarier than "The Conjuring". It serves more frightening imagery and pulse-pounding scares than any other recent movie that has ever been created. But overall, The Conjuring is a commendable and must-see movie.

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Still Under Process (Poem)

Here is a poem I suddenly made out of impulse. However, I still don't have any title for it yet. Feel free to suggest!

DISCLAIMER: The message of my poem doesn't reflect me nor my relationship status. I just voiced out what some other girls feel. Thank you!

By: Dianini

I have loved thee with all my heart
Like a chocolate cherry tart
Now its gone and I feel so strong
Finding a place where I belong

Gone are the days when we’re still happy
You’re my boyfriend and my buddy
I hate myself for loving you
When all you did was hurt me too

You always take me for granted
And now I am disenchanted,
To all of your lame excuses
Can’t bear no more what pain induces

You chose someone else over me
Maybe it’s not just meant to be
Be happy with them I don’t care
It has always been so unfair

Now I will go on with my life
Letting you go who causes strife
Adios to all my crying nights
Bidding farewell to silly fights

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Friday, July 26, 2013


Fear of trusting.

* It is earned.
* It should be proven.
* It requires time.
* It should be reciprocal.
* It is simply about having faith.

It takes a lot of bravery to trust someone. Risk is also included in the process. You have to embrace the possibility that they might hurt you unknowingly or intentionally. The question that will only matter is, "Are they worth the risk? or are they even worth the pain?". The best way to deal with it is to cushion our hearts. No more, no less.

Forgive yourself if you still can't trust someone after a bad break up. Being numb is quite a natural thing that happens after the pain. It will only last for a while and after that, you'll be ready to feel again. All you have to do is to take time in appreciating all the little things and simple acts of kindness from everyone around you. With this, you will never feel that there's something missing.

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Magic of Money Tree

As a Finance Major and a Financial Advisor in Philamlife, investments have never been a stranger to me. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds and etc, it and I have already encountered it. But there’s a hybrid form of investment that could capture your interest which is called “Money Tree “. Money Tree is a special product of Philamlife (the largest life insurance company in the Philippines and the market leader for almost over 65 years) . It is a one-pay investment and life insurance plan that can earn more than your regular bank deposits over the long term. Money Tree funds have given 8% to 15% return per year compared to bank deposits earning just 2.57% or less annually. It gives you the opportunity to invest in high-performing funds that take advantage of the Philippines’ booming economy. It also offers life insurance protection to secure your family’s future. Yes, it’s like hitting two birds with one stone. An investment and a protection for your love ones at the same time.

The Philippine economy is now considered as the 2nd fastest growing in Asia and is expected to be the 6th fastest growing out of 196 countries in the world. The positive outlook in the Philippine economy is driven by its strong economic fundamentals, as  well as the effective fiscal and monetary policies being implemented by the Philippine government.  This has likewise been recognized by international credit rating agencies by upgrading the Philippine credit rating to “investment grade”.

The Philippine Stock Exchange index has been one of the best performing indices in the Asia Pacific region. Healthy consumer spending and continued growth of local companies are expected to bring the stock market to record-breaking highs.

Most people keep their money in the bank. That’s why there is Php. 4.1 Trillion in banks all over the country. Indeed, many Filipinos believe that putting their money in bank deposits is the best way to grow their money and keep it safe. However, bank deposits offer annualized interest rates of only 0.375% for savings account and up to only 2.75% for 1 year time deposits. Since inflation is currently at 3.2% money in the bank is actually losing purchasing power instead of growing.

Please contact Mrs. Noemi V. Del Rosario

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Letter From A Stranger

I got this letter via e-mail from someone who preferred to be unidentified with such reasons I've never known of. I just feel like sharing it because it had touched my fragile heart. It feels good that someone understands me and doesn't judge me for who I am and what I've been through in life.

So this is what my "Stranger" sent me.

Dear Someone,

I don't even know if you will ever read this. But if in exactly you are here at this moment, then I am therefore thankful to Whoever is above Time and Earth and He who guides people into their destinies. 

I am sorry if I didn't want to introduce myself over the phone. I just feel good knowing that someone  doesn't know my identity and that adds a little shroud of mystery in this world flooding with limitless information. Well, I do apologize if I achieved the intended effect and turned out just as creepy as a stalker. But I know you will forgive me because that is who you are. You were always so forgiving and loving. And because changing ourselves seem to be a herculean task that we'll have to endure for years, maybe even for a lifetime, i know it would stay within you even after years. But if I could change me, I'd gladly want to be a stronger and more independent person than the highly sensitive person that I am. Deep inside, I know it is but a creation born out of my imaginings.

“Anyone who has lost something they thought was theirs forever finally comes to realize that nothing really belongs to them.” -Paulo Coelho

On the night of that unfortunate incident, I felt like the world is closing in around me. There are countless regrets and things that should have been but will never be. I lost a lot. It's not just my bag that has been stolen, but something deep inside that made me want to cry- not out of despair but of vindication. For once, I realized that it is not the person who is to blame but the society which led them to do such devious things. And it so happens that we are the Society. We are all a part of a larger web that connects us altogether. We are one and the same. If we wish that things would change, we should do it ourselves and control the rotting morality of our society.

I know you feel sad. I can never understand your pain because it didn't happen to me exactly. But there is one thing that I know is the same for you and me. You might be also a highly sensitive persons (HSP). You experience things far more extreme than other people. You get touched by simple gestures, and feel the worst in times of pain. It is both a gift and a curse. There are times when I slip into extreme sadness for the shallowest of reasons. But that, I think,  is because we are different from other people. 

I maybe wrong in saying that we are HSPs but i just want you to realize that you are not alone. When people tell you that you cry for the slightest of reasons, don't feel bad because there is , within you, something different from the rationality and empirical minds of the ordinary person. I am, therefore, with you.

Although you might feel that the other half of your equation is gone, I hope that you will be stronger and forgive yourself in times that you feel you are not worth it. I am happy we are all safe and sound. Always take care of yourself. And from now on, let's live life as if it were only for a moment. 

Love, The Stranger

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Monday, June 3, 2013


Due to some abrupt changes in my life, I have this hunger to try new things and one of which is "food tripping". I had an intense craving for foods lately, specifically SWEETS. Gluttony as it may seem but I enjoy chocolate and cream's company. They are the best ever! Not just that they can console or comfort you but studies suggest that it has some health benefits like it has antioxidants and it can lower one's blood pressure. But having "too much" of it isn't always good. Just take a few bites moderately.

I find the habit of "eating" quite a relaxing and comforting thing to do. It gives me happiness and satisfaction upon every munch. Self-control and self-discipline is also applied in it. You need to control your appetite for you not to gain undesirable weight. Sometimes you need to resist the temptation it brings. 

Eating desserts is also the best way to reward yourself after a stressful and depressing short comings in your life. 

                             Bluberries and Cream Waffle with Yogurt on top.

Banoffee Pie

Strawberry Cheescake Mochi Ball

Halo-halo with Mochi balls and Vanilla ice cream special

Blazing Kisses

Mango Crepe


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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

An OJT Experience

I arrived at Magallanes at exactly 7:10 a.m. It's an hour and 20 minutes early to our call time. Upon arriving, I walk a little to find a place to hang by, then I spotted Jollibee in Alpha Land. I don't want to be a loner so I texted my friend Karizza Camus. She also happened to arrived early that day. To kill the time, we had breakfast together with Celine Yongco and Menmen Azores who are also an intern at East West Bank and a Thomasian like us. The orientation started around 9:30a.m.

I was impressed on our trainer's candor and eloquence. Sir Manny and Ma'm Debz had delivered the orientation excellently with all their fun learning group activities that had promoted camaraderie among us. The talk didn't bore me at all. In fact, my brain is absorbing every bit of information it has to absorb. I would also like to mention how Sir Manny defined the word "Uniqueness." But before that, I'll keep you hanging for a while.

We have been told that we were the 2nd batch of trainees in the EWB Academy. Being the 2nd Batch, we were all pampered with free food, snacks and unlimited refill of coffee. This coming Wednesday, we will be having our Day 2 classroom orientation at Herald Suites Hotel. I just can't wait! *squeal* to know what's waiting for us there. I would surely enjoy the place and it's ambiance. 

Enough of keeping you hanging. I did that because while writing this blog, I'm in a bad mood. Someone is keeping me hanging. Just to get even, I did it to all of you who's reading this blog. HAHAHA. Moving on, this was how Sir Manny defined the word "uniqueness". I'll just use my own words but with the same thoughts intact. For most of us, being unique is mostly based on it's physical aspect. He told us that uniqueness is the way we see ourselves through our values. We are distinguished on how we interact and treat others. Of all the things I have learned, this had been retained in my memory and I feel like sharing it because it all made sense.

To end this blog, I would like to share some of the pictures in our OJT at East West Bank.

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