Thursday, March 21, 2013

Random Thoughts


March 20, 2012

Today is like any other boring day. All I did is just sleep, sleep and sleep. I've never enjoyed my bed this much ever since I started my junior year as a Finance student. The smell of my newly washed bed sheet and pillow case lured me not to get up from my comfy state. And so I did, I give in to it's inescapable temptation.  I only wake up when I needed to eat. After finishing a meal, I spend few hours surfing the net and then I'll hit the sack again. Apparently, I am savoring every moment with my bed while it lasts 'cause I know that when our OJT commences, I will never sleep this way again.

While lying on my bed, random thoughts keep on knocking inside my head. One of which are my frustrations in life. What if I pursued my dream of becoming a news caster? Or a flight attendant? Or rather an actress? Will it make any difference? Will I still be the same person I am right now?

As a matter of fact, I really don't know why I chose Finance as my major. The course is even a thousand-fold far from my type-B personality. All I know about it is there's money in there. Not to mention the salary you might be receiving upon being hired, Add to that the easy employment process. At first, I regret choosing it over Marketing. But as time passes by...I've learned to embrace every bit of it without being burned, literally.

Another random thought..

I'm aware that day dreaming is a bad habit but I just can't stop myself from escaping reality sometimes. It's also my creative form of relaxation so please bear with my imaginations. What if I have a vault that would never ran out of money? or a piggy bank that poops coins? HAHAHA! *random thoughts* Ugh! I should have not browsed on those online shops. It triggered the lavish spender in me in which I am working so hard to resist. And the worst part of it was, it made me feel how penniless I am at the moment! But looking on the brighter side, my eagerness to save has finally rekindled. I'll save lots and lots of money to buy what's on my checklist!

I still have a lot of random thoughts that I would like to share with you but I have reached my saturation point. My mind isn't functional anymore and it yearns to rest. So I'll end this piece with a picture of the things I wish to buy. How I wish that seeing these pictures frequently will motivate me more to SAVE.

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Suicide for Education

I was enjoying my dinner a while ago when suddenly a headline from the news caught my attention. It's about a student from a State University who took away her own life last Friday because of her family's inability to pay for her tuition fee. Having seen her medals flashed on television proves that she's an achiever and it's just so disheartening to hear that she was forced to file a leave of absence only because of her financial condition.  

The thought of being stopped from learning tore down all her dreams and hope of succeeding someday. Apart from love, it is our hope and our dreams that keep us alive. How could that girl continue to live if all her hopes and dreams were taken away from her? She must've felt miserable about her situation and had pitied herself so much that she just chooses to end her life that way.

I'm not blaming the university on this since they are just following their imposed "policy." My concern is that they should have been more considerate. After all, the university is subsidized by the government and was supposed to charge the students lower tuition fees compared to private ones. The problem in our country is,  our education is becoming commercialized. Quality is not given priority anymore. And for a student like me, it's such a downer to hear this. Education is our right that must be given importance. It's the ultimate key to progress. 

My deep sympathy goes to her family. I wish this would serve as an eyeopener to everyone in the position especially to our country's incumbent government officials. As a concerned youth and a registered voter, I am asking everyone to please vote wisely and scrutinize well the candidates whom we gonna vote in the upcoming 2013 election.  

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Friday, March 15, 2013

Double Gravity

After 3 hours of reading my Capital Market handouts, I decided to give my brain a break. Since it overheated and wasn't absorbing any information anymore, I thought of cooling it down for a while. And so I watched a movie entitled "Upside Down" from my sister's external. For its intriguing title, my interest grew fonder to watch it even more.

The main characters Adam (Jim Sturgess)and Eden (Kirsten Dunst) both came from a world with opposite gravitational pull. Adam was from the "Down below" wherein poverty is very rampant. It can be compared to a 3rd world country. While Eden is from the "Up" wherein the people down below see it as a paradise because of it's great abundance. The political system in their world is so unjust because the people above oppresses the people from the down below by buying cheap oil supply to them and sells electricity back in much higher prices. Interaction with one another is also forbidden.

I may relate Adam and Eden's love story to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. They are not separated by family feud, but by gravity. After seeing Eden alive and working in Transworld, Adam find a way just to be with her again after ten years of thinking that she was already dead. His ways of being with her almost sent him into prison. If not, almost killed himself. Truly, I may say that love conquers barriers.

I didn't get into details that much because I want you to watch it yourself. I strongly commend this movie 'cause it's worth 2 hours of your time. It will not just enchant you but stun you with it's unique setting. And you will surely ask yourself this question, "What if we're living in a world with double gravity? Is it really possible?"

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Finals Heebie Jeebies!

It's 5 days before the start of our much dreaded final examinations. This whole finals prepping up thing is tormenting me. I don't know what subject will I start studying first. Shall I start with the minor subjects? or go straight and delve on the hardcore ones?  This has been my problem every exams and until now it hasn't been resolved. As I contemplate on my decision, I end up doing nothing at all. Procrastination overrules my what-might-have-been productive hours.  

A lot of self-motivation have been used already. In fact, I even tried bribing myself a couple of times with sweet treats like ice cream, cake, chocolate or milk tea in exchange of finishing at least one chapter of my Security Analysis book or Managerial Economics handouts. But all these things just wouldn't work well enough for me. I kept on blaming the television, internet and my sleeping pattern for being such a big distraction. But then, I realized that my ultimate enemy is just myself and my lack of self-discipline towards studying.

Now that I fully acknowledge my faults, I know now how to deal with it this time. I hope that my hardwork and perseverance would bear fruit as I start changing for the betterment of my grades. And as a promise to myself, I'll try to keep the momentum going.

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