Friday, March 15, 2013

Double Gravity

After 3 hours of reading my Capital Market handouts, I decided to give my brain a break. Since it overheated and wasn't absorbing any information anymore, I thought of cooling it down for a while. And so I watched a movie entitled "Upside Down" from my sister's external. For its intriguing title, my interest grew fonder to watch it even more.

The main characters Adam (Jim Sturgess)and Eden (Kirsten Dunst) both came from a world with opposite gravitational pull. Adam was from the "Down below" wherein poverty is very rampant. It can be compared to a 3rd world country. While Eden is from the "Up" wherein the people down below see it as a paradise because of it's great abundance. The political system in their world is so unjust because the people above oppresses the people from the down below by buying cheap oil supply to them and sells electricity back in much higher prices. Interaction with one another is also forbidden.

I may relate Adam and Eden's love story to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. They are not separated by family feud, but by gravity. After seeing Eden alive and working in Transworld, Adam find a way just to be with her again after ten years of thinking that she was already dead. His ways of being with her almost sent him into prison. If not, almost killed himself. Truly, I may say that love conquers barriers.

I didn't get into details that much because I want you to watch it yourself. I strongly commend this movie 'cause it's worth 2 hours of your time. It will not just enchant you but stun you with it's unique setting. And you will surely ask yourself this question, "What if we're living in a world with double gravity? Is it really possible?"

Diane Gamboa
Diane Gamboa

I'm a dreamer like most of everyone else. What makes us distinctive is having our own unique stories to be told. And I believe that I am born to succeed. My conviction and drive to reach the zenith of success will bring me to where I see myself in the future

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