Monday, March 18, 2013

Suicide for Education

I was enjoying my dinner a while ago when suddenly a headline from the news caught my attention. It's about a student from a State University who took away her own life last Friday because of her family's inability to pay for her tuition fee. Having seen her medals flashed on television proves that she's an achiever and it's just so disheartening to hear that she was forced to file a leave of absence only because of her financial condition.  

The thought of being stopped from learning tore down all her dreams and hope of succeeding someday. Apart from love, it is our hope and our dreams that keep us alive. How could that girl continue to live if all her hopes and dreams were taken away from her? She must've felt miserable about her situation and had pitied herself so much that she just chooses to end her life that way.

I'm not blaming the university on this since they are just following their imposed "policy." My concern is that they should have been more considerate. After all, the university is subsidized by the government and was supposed to charge the students lower tuition fees compared to private ones. The problem in our country is,  our education is becoming commercialized. Quality is not given priority anymore. And for a student like me, it's such a downer to hear this. Education is our right that must be given importance. It's the ultimate key to progress. 

My deep sympathy goes to her family. I wish this would serve as an eyeopener to everyone in the position especially to our country's incumbent government officials. As a concerned youth and a registered voter, I am asking everyone to please vote wisely and scrutinize well the candidates whom we gonna vote in the upcoming 2013 election.  

Diane Gamboa
Diane Gamboa

I'm a dreamer like most of everyone else. What makes us distinctive is having our own unique stories to be told. And I believe that I am born to succeed. My conviction and drive to reach the zenith of success will bring me to where I see myself in the future


  1. This is so true. It just proves that education in our country is not a right but a luxury :/

    I just hope that someday, no one will ever end their life just because of a right granted to but a few.

  2. That's the sad truth:'( I can relate with her so much because I know how it feels to stop from schooling due to financial difficulties. I hope this issue would put an end on the commercialization of education in our country.
