Thursday, March 21, 2013

Random Thoughts


March 20, 2012

Today is like any other boring day. All I did is just sleep, sleep and sleep. I've never enjoyed my bed this much ever since I started my junior year as a Finance student. The smell of my newly washed bed sheet and pillow case lured me not to get up from my comfy state. And so I did, I give in to it's inescapable temptation.  I only wake up when I needed to eat. After finishing a meal, I spend few hours surfing the net and then I'll hit the sack again. Apparently, I am savoring every moment with my bed while it lasts 'cause I know that when our OJT commences, I will never sleep this way again.

While lying on my bed, random thoughts keep on knocking inside my head. One of which are my frustrations in life. What if I pursued my dream of becoming a news caster? Or a flight attendant? Or rather an actress? Will it make any difference? Will I still be the same person I am right now?

As a matter of fact, I really don't know why I chose Finance as my major. The course is even a thousand-fold far from my type-B personality. All I know about it is there's money in there. Not to mention the salary you might be receiving upon being hired, Add to that the easy employment process. At first, I regret choosing it over Marketing. But as time passes by...I've learned to embrace every bit of it without being burned, literally.

Another random thought..

I'm aware that day dreaming is a bad habit but I just can't stop myself from escaping reality sometimes. It's also my creative form of relaxation so please bear with my imaginations. What if I have a vault that would never ran out of money? or a piggy bank that poops coins? HAHAHA! *random thoughts* Ugh! I should have not browsed on those online shops. It triggered the lavish spender in me in which I am working so hard to resist. And the worst part of it was, it made me feel how penniless I am at the moment! But looking on the brighter side, my eagerness to save has finally rekindled. I'll save lots and lots of money to buy what's on my checklist!

I still have a lot of random thoughts that I would like to share with you but I have reached my saturation point. My mind isn't functional anymore and it yearns to rest. So I'll end this piece with a picture of the things I wish to buy. How I wish that seeing these pictures frequently will motivate me more to SAVE.

Diane Gamboa
Diane Gamboa

I'm a dreamer like most of everyone else. What makes us distinctive is having our own unique stories to be told. And I believe that I am born to succeed. My conviction and drive to reach the zenith of success will bring me to where I see myself in the future


  1. pamper your needs for these material things from time to time. :) you'll never know what can happen on the morrow, so we better enjoy these things every chance possible. :)

  2. Thanks! But I need to save lots of money first!:))
