Tuesday, April 9, 2013

An OJT Experience

I arrived at Magallanes at exactly 7:10 a.m. It's an hour and 20 minutes early to our call time. Upon arriving, I walk a little to find a place to hang by, then I spotted Jollibee in Alpha Land. I don't want to be a loner so I texted my friend Karizza Camus. She also happened to arrived early that day. To kill the time, we had breakfast together with Celine Yongco and Menmen Azores who are also an intern at East West Bank and a Thomasian like us. The orientation started around 9:30a.m.

I was impressed on our trainer's candor and eloquence. Sir Manny and Ma'm Debz had delivered the orientation excellently with all their fun learning group activities that had promoted camaraderie among us. The talk didn't bore me at all. In fact, my brain is absorbing every bit of information it has to absorb. I would also like to mention how Sir Manny defined the word "Uniqueness." But before that, I'll keep you hanging for a while.

We have been told that we were the 2nd batch of trainees in the EWB Academy. Being the 2nd Batch, we were all pampered with free food, snacks and unlimited refill of coffee. This coming Wednesday, we will be having our Day 2 classroom orientation at Herald Suites Hotel. I just can't wait! *squeal* to know what's waiting for us there. I would surely enjoy the place and it's ambiance. 

Enough of keeping you hanging. I did that because while writing this blog, I'm in a bad mood. Someone is keeping me hanging. Just to get even, I did it to all of you who's reading this blog. HAHAHA. Moving on, this was how Sir Manny defined the word "uniqueness". I'll just use my own words but with the same thoughts intact. For most of us, being unique is mostly based on it's physical aspect. He told us that uniqueness is the way we see ourselves through our values. We are distinguished on how we interact and treat others. Of all the things I have learned, this had been retained in my memory and I feel like sharing it because it all made sense.

To end this blog, I would like to share some of the pictures in our OJT at East West Bank.

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Toshiba NB520

"Mobility in Style." This is what Toshiba's tagline for their NB520 netbook product. Truly, I must say that they are proven worthy for this tagline. For it's eye catching colors and sleek design, it had captivated my delicate taste. You need not to pay more to get the best quality because with Toshiba, it's like paying less while getting more of it.

For a student like me, bringing big and heavy laptop in school is a no no since it's unsafe to carry valuables per se when commuting. So this netbook is the perfect item for me and it somehow suited my lifestyle. Since it's perfectly light and handy, I can use this for our Investment Research subject next sem, in writing blogs and selling VUL to my prospects in Philamlife anywhere I wish to.

From the first time I saw it in the mall, I fell in love with it. Every night I am wishing that someday I will be able to own it. And Voila! after a month of dreaming, I have finally bought it!

It comes with this colors:
* Joyful blue
* Striking Lime Green
* Daring Sunlight Copper
* Warm Brown
* Sophisticated Turqouise

I really wanted the Sophisticated Turqouise one because it's my favorite color and it promotes tranquility in one's mind but it's already out of stock so I ended up choosing the Striking Lime Green Toshiba netbook. I'm still happy with it even if I didn't get the color I wanted. After all, I'm after it's core value and use not just it's physical appearance.

* Intel Atom Processor N2800 1.86GHz
* 320GB (SATA) with shock absorbers HDD
* Built-in Web Camera
* Bluetooth V3.0 w/ High Speed Technology
* Harman Kardon Stereo Speakers

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

LISTERINE 21 Day Challenge

I just got home from my movie date with Mommy at Robinsons Place Manila. We watched "It Takes a Man and a Woman" together.  Too bad my big sissy Aleli failed to join us due to her hectic working schedule. The whole mother and daughter bonding isn't the highlight of my blog today but I just felt the need to mention it because I really had fun. I suggest that we must do it often with Jaycee and Ate around :)

Upon getting home from a tiresome but happy date with mommy, Tita Chit suddenly hand me a mail from AIR 21. And this is how it looks like: 

To end the puzzle of whom was it from, I grabbed it quickly with enthusiasm in my eyes. I was thrilled to find out that it was from Johnson and Johnson Philippines. It's a voucher that entitles the holder to a Php. 40 discount when purchasing a 500ml bottle of Listerine Mouthwash in Watsons. I still feel grateful with it even if I didn't get the grand prize (iPad Mini) because I know that not all are privileged to have this. I could keep it as a memorabilia to remind me that I once  joined the challenge.

Thank you Listerine Philippines!

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