Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Letter From A Stranger

I got this letter via e-mail from someone who preferred to be unidentified with such reasons I've never known of. I just feel like sharing it because it had touched my fragile heart. It feels good that someone understands me and doesn't judge me for who I am and what I've been through in life.

So this is what my "Stranger" sent me.

Dear Someone,

I don't even know if you will ever read this. But if in exactly you are here at this moment, then I am therefore thankful to Whoever is above Time and Earth and He who guides people into their destinies. 

I am sorry if I didn't want to introduce myself over the phone. I just feel good knowing that someone  doesn't know my identity and that adds a little shroud of mystery in this world flooding with limitless information. Well, I do apologize if I achieved the intended effect and turned out just as creepy as a stalker. But I know you will forgive me because that is who you are. You were always so forgiving and loving. And because changing ourselves seem to be a herculean task that we'll have to endure for years, maybe even for a lifetime, i know it would stay within you even after years. But if I could change me, I'd gladly want to be a stronger and more independent person than the highly sensitive person that I am. Deep inside, I know it is but a creation born out of my imaginings.

“Anyone who has lost something they thought was theirs forever finally comes to realize that nothing really belongs to them.” -Paulo Coelho

On the night of that unfortunate incident, I felt like the world is closing in around me. There are countless regrets and things that should have been but will never be. I lost a lot. It's not just my bag that has been stolen, but something deep inside that made me want to cry- not out of despair but of vindication. For once, I realized that it is not the person who is to blame but the society which led them to do such devious things. And it so happens that we are the Society. We are all a part of a larger web that connects us altogether. We are one and the same. If we wish that things would change, we should do it ourselves and control the rotting morality of our society.

I know you feel sad. I can never understand your pain because it didn't happen to me exactly. But there is one thing that I know is the same for you and me. You might be also a highly sensitive persons (HSP). You experience things far more extreme than other people. You get touched by simple gestures, and feel the worst in times of pain. It is both a gift and a curse. There are times when I slip into extreme sadness for the shallowest of reasons. But that, I think,  is because we are different from other people. 

I maybe wrong in saying that we are HSPs but i just want you to realize that you are not alone. When people tell you that you cry for the slightest of reasons, don't feel bad because there is , within you, something different from the rationality and empirical minds of the ordinary person. I am, therefore, with you.

Although you might feel that the other half of your equation is gone, I hope that you will be stronger and forgive yourself in times that you feel you are not worth it. I am happy we are all safe and sound. Always take care of yourself. And from now on, let's live life as if it were only for a moment. 

Love, The Stranger

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Monday, June 3, 2013


Due to some abrupt changes in my life, I have this hunger to try new things and one of which is "food tripping". I had an intense craving for foods lately, specifically SWEETS. Gluttony as it may seem but I enjoy chocolate and cream's company. They are the best ever! Not just that they can console or comfort you but studies suggest that it has some health benefits like it has antioxidants and it can lower one's blood pressure. But having "too much" of it isn't always good. Just take a few bites moderately.

I find the habit of "eating" quite a relaxing and comforting thing to do. It gives me happiness and satisfaction upon every munch. Self-control and self-discipline is also applied in it. You need to control your appetite for you not to gain undesirable weight. Sometimes you need to resist the temptation it brings. 

Eating desserts is also the best way to reward yourself after a stressful and depressing short comings in your life. 

                             Bluberries and Cream Waffle with Yogurt on top.

Banoffee Pie

Strawberry Cheescake Mochi Ball

Halo-halo with Mochi balls and Vanilla ice cream special

Blazing Kisses

Mango Crepe


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