Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Conjuring (Movie Review)

Who wouldn't be scared after seeing this photo go viral in the social media? Not quite sure if it's just part of their marketing strategy or what but it had effectively raised my hair up to it's end!

"Watch this and you"ll never play hide and seek".
(A better tagline or catchy phrase than the movie that said, "You will die in 7 days")

Alarmingly, but it's true. The movie had successfully delivered a creep-out (it's behind you!) and face-at-the-window-shock every few minutes. Indeed a well-crafted scare for the viewers. It really has more to offer than some any other movie's cheap chills, but sometimes that's  enough.

The scene that terrified or rather terrorized me most is the part when the possessed mother was tied in the chair covered with white cloth. The way the blood blurted out on her mouth underneath the white sheet had really scared the hell out of me. Disturbing as it is and with such unknown reason, the view had registered in my mind for quite too long. 

Among the effective American horror movies that I've watched aside from "The Conjuring"  is Insidious. And I must say that it' scarier than "The Conjuring". It serves more frightening imagery and pulse-pounding scares than any other recent movie that has ever been created. But overall, The Conjuring is a commendable and must-see movie.

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Still Under Process (Poem)

Here is a poem I suddenly made out of impulse. However, I still don't have any title for it yet. Feel free to suggest!

DISCLAIMER: The message of my poem doesn't reflect me nor my relationship status. I just voiced out what some other girls feel. Thank you!

By: Dianini

I have loved thee with all my heart
Like a chocolate cherry tart
Now its gone and I feel so strong
Finding a place where I belong

Gone are the days when we’re still happy
You’re my boyfriend and my buddy
I hate myself for loving you
When all you did was hurt me too

You always take me for granted
And now I am disenchanted,
To all of your lame excuses
Can’t bear no more what pain induces

You chose someone else over me
Maybe it’s not just meant to be
Be happy with them I don’t care
It has always been so unfair

Now I will go on with my life
Letting you go who causes strife
Adios to all my crying nights
Bidding farewell to silly fights

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