Sunday, September 8, 2013

My Life, My Rules

Life as we know is not about pleasing everyone around us. Sometimes, we must take the risk and learn to stand adamant on our decisions and choices. We shouldn't care of what others will think of us because they will only limit what we can do that THEY CAN'T. Yes, petty minds are everywhere. These are the people who are closed-minded and unreceptive to other's opinion or ideas.

Me, who is a type-B personality with an easy going approach to life, lives in my own pressure not on other's. The more you coerce me, the more I repel. Rebellious as it may seem but it's my special way of saying (though non-verbal) "My Life, My Rules. So keep your nose out of my business".

I always start with doing what I want first because it keeps me motivated instantaneously. "Work because you want to and not because you need to". Another motto to live by. So what's the moral lesson? Well, it's just simply about learning to love the things you hate. You can't always get what you want. All you have to do is to be flexible enough to work in such unfavorable situations.

Edited via Pics Art (Mobile App)

"Keep Your Head Held Up High"

Diane Gamboa
Diane Gamboa

I'm a dreamer like most of everyone else. What makes us distinctive is having our own unique stories to be told. And I believe that I am born to succeed. My conviction and drive to reach the zenith of success will bring me to where I see myself in the future

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