Friday, December 6, 2013

Finding A Sacred Space: Caleruega

We had our retreat in Caleruega, Batangas last December 2 to 4 because it's one of the tradition of every graduating students. It's like a sweet escape and a form of relaxation to slow down the fast moving phase of our lives and of course, to take in nature.

Lots of Pine trees everywhere.

The place is perfect for finding your sacred space. The air was rejuvenating, fresh and crisp. As I breathe, I can't help but thank the Lord for He has made a place so serene like Caleruega. It's as if I'm breathing new hope in my heart and new vision for my spirit. I just can't help but marvel to every scene I am seeing.

 Lovely flowers that brightens up your mood.

A retreat will not be complete if there's no "crying sessions" with a touchy feel. Aside from the cliche of receiving letters from our dear family and friends, we have also shared and listened to each other's stories. Some of which are heartfelt and some are just way too funny but all are part of our history and transitionary life.

At the second day, we played a game where we had to say something nice to each other, and most of us ended up crying. It just feels good when someone appreciates you when you yourself doesn't even notice it. And in that moment, my emotions just caught out of hand and tears came running down my cheeks. Tears of joy indeed.

And one thing I would never forget is the "Solidarity Night". We had bon fire in an atrium with all the 4th year Finance students present. The night was about showcasing every section's talents and identity with a mixture of comedy.

There's a mini chapel on top of a hill that is the best place for praying and meditation. Before you get there, you have to pass the koi fish pond then to the hanging bridge and lastly, there's a short hike of around 10-15 minutes (depending upon your stamina).

 The Koi Fish Pond.

Front pass of the hanging bridge.

The Mini Chapel on top of the hill

 "Closer to Nature, Closer to God"

The activity had opened and rekindled friendship among everyone of us. I really appreciated this activity for us, Finance Seniors since this would probably be the last chance to spend time like this with the people I've been for almost 2 years.

(Credits to Tey Fuente for the pictures. I was enjoying the scenery too much that I forgot to document everything.)

Diane Gamboa
Diane Gamboa

I'm a dreamer like most of everyone else. What makes us distinctive is having our own unique stories to be told. And I believe that I am born to succeed. My conviction and drive to reach the zenith of success will bring me to where I see myself in the future

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